How to create a grocery list on a budget

Hey savvy shoppers!

Welcome to our budget-friendly shopping list guide! This section is here to help you build a shopping list that is budget-friendly. Be sure to check back periodically for updates that will make your shopping experience more enjoyable.

When it comes to creating a grocery list, there are different approaches you can take, and we're here to help you find what works best for you! Whether you're a meticulous organizer or prefer a more spontaneous approach, there is something for everyone. Here are some tips on how you can create a grocery list on a budget!

Approach #1


  • Check your pantry, fridge, and freezer to see what items you already have. This will prevent you from purchasing duplicate items and help you use up ingredients you already own. It may also inspire the recipes you choose for the week.

STEP 2: PLAN YOUR MEALS based on what you have

  • When aiming to be efficient with your grocery purchases, start by taking inventory of what you already have in your pantry, fridge, and freezer. Look for recipes that incorporate these ingredients to minimize waste and maximize savings.

  • By identifying recipes that utilize your existing ingredients and match your cooking skills, you can make preparing meals process. This strategy not only helps you stick to your budget but also enhances your overall cooking experience.


  • With your meal plan in mind, where you likely have most ingredients on hand, create a list of the items that you need to buy. Group items by categories such as produce, grains, proteins, and dairy to make sure you don’t forget anything.


  • Before heading to the store, check for sales and discounts on items you need. Consider using coupons or shopping at discount stores to maximize your savings.

    • Check out our “Useful Apps” tab under “Resources” for more informatio on this.


Approach #2

Step 1: Check your kitchen

  • Before you start making your grocery list, check your pantry, fridge, and freezer to see what ingredients you already have. This can help you avoid buying duplicates and ensure you utilize what you already have.

Step 2: Choose one to two recipes for the week that can easily be adjusted (if needed)

  • Begin by planning your meals for the upcoming week. Consider recipes that use similar ingredients to minimize waste. Choose dishes that are easy to make and fit your cooking skill level.

  • If a recipe calls for several ingredients, it’s not always necessary to include all of them, you can choose the main ones that you enjoy and make your grocery list list based on that.

Step 3: Create Your grocery List

  • Choose 1 - 2 vegetables that can be used for cooking such as carrots, peas and spinach

  • Choose 1 - 2 vegetables that can be used for snacks such as carrots, broccoli, cucumber, and celery

  • Choose 1-2 seasonal fruits as they tend to be cheaper

    • Check out our “Buying produce on a budget” tab under “Resources” for more informatio on this.

  • Choose one grain to eat for the week(s)

  • Choose one protein for the week(s)

step 4: Check Store Website and other apps for Coupons

  • Look for sales and discounts online. Utilize coupons to save money on items you regularly purchase. Be open to trying different brands or generic options to save even more.

    • Check out our “Useful Apps” tab under “Resources” for more informatio on this.

Other tips:

  • Look at our “Resources” tab for more useful information.

  • While shopping on a budget, it's important not to sacrifice nutrition. Look for affordable options like frozen fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to ensure balanced meals.

  • If you are purchasing snacks, opt for snacks that can easily be paired with fruits and vegetables to encourage healthy eating, especially if you have little ones.

  • Some examples of good fruit & vegetable pairings would be yogurt, nuts and/or nut butter, cheese and whole grain crackers

  • Consider buying in bulk (if possible), especially non-perishable items to save money in the long run.

  • Compare prices between different brands and sizes to get the best value for your money. Sometimes the larger size is more cost-effective, but not always, so pay attention to unit prices.

By following these steps and being mindful of your choices, you can build a grocery list on a budget that allows you to prepare affordable and nutritious meals throughout the week. Happy shopping!